【Skill 6】Understand the multiple causes of a change in imports and exports, a change in a balance, etc. from expressions such as と (and [in an exhaustive list]) and や (and [in an inexhaustive list])

Understand the multiple causes of a change in imports and exports, a change in a balance, etc., from the following expressions. If the following expressions appear after 要因は (cause + [topic marker]) and before を背景に (because of), multiple causes will appear.

■ と (and [in an exhaustive list])
■ や (and [in an inexhaustive list)
■ 、(, )
■ 、また (, as well as)
■ 次いで (followed by)

The multiple causes appear before and after と (and [in an exhaustive list]) and や (and [in an inexhaustive list]). In the following sentence, と (and [in an exhaustive list]) appears before により (due to), so the causes of the deterioration of the balance are a decrease in exports and an increase in imports.

■ 輸出の減少輸入の増加により収支が悪化している (The balance deteriorated due to a decrease in exports and an increase in imports

If 等の (such as) or などの (such as) appears before 輸出増 (an increase in exports), 輸入増 (an increase in imports), etc., multiple commodities will appear, as below. In the following sentence, や (and [in an inexhaustive list]) appears before 等の輸出増 (an increase in exports such as), so the causes of the increase in export value are increases in exports of general machinery, electrical equipment, transportation equipment, etc.

■ 輸出額は一般機械電気機器輸送用機器等の輸出増を背景に、前年比4.8%増の73兆930億円となっ (Export value increased by 4.8% from the previous year to 73.930 trillion yen because of increases in exports such as general machinery, electrical equipment and transportation equipment)

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