Understand the research hypothesis and whether it is supported
To be able to understand the research hypothesis and whether it is supported in a quantitative research paper about human resources.
In a quantitative research paper about human resources, you are reading the part which contains the research hypothesis and the results that verify that hypothesis. From the hypothesis, understand what is clarified in this research and whether, as the result of an analysis, that hypothesis is supported.
- Skill 1
- Learn expressions such as 長時間労働 (long working hours) and 職場の生産性 (workplace productivity)
- Skill 2
- Understand that what has an impact and what is impacted as well as the kind of impact is clarified from expressions such as は, に and 正の (positive) before 影響 (impact)
- Skill 3
- Learn expressions such as 職務満足 (job satisfaction) and 情緒的コミットメント (emotional commitment)
- Skill 4
- Understand what promotes and what is promoted from は and を that appear before expressions such as 促す (promote) and 高める (increase)
- Skill 5
- Learn expressions such as 職場の上司-部下間交換関係 (superior/subordinate exchange relationship in the workplace) and 変革型リーダーシップ (revolutionary leadership)
- Skill 6
- Understand what kind of relationship exists between one thing and another from と and には and expressions such as 正の (positive) appearing before 関係 (relationship)
- Skill 7
- Understand what mediates the relationship between 2 things from は and と appearing before 媒介 (mediate)
- Skill 8
- Understand the hypothesis
- Skill 9
- Understand whether a 仮説 (hypothesis) is supported from expressions such as 支持 (support), ない (is not) and なかった (did not/was not)