Understand which countries, regions and items have a high degree of contribution to variations in the volume of Japan's exports and imports
To be able to understand which countries, regions and items have a high degree of contribution to variations in the volume of Japan's exports and imports.
You are reading the part of a White Paper on International Economy and Trade where the trends in Japan's trading activities are described. From a table showing the degree of contribution to variations in the volume of exports or a table of the degree of contribution to variations in the volume of imports, understand which items from which countries and regions have a high degree of contribution to variations in the volume of exports and imports.
- Skill 1
- Understand whether a table shows the degree of contribution to variations in the volume of exports or the degree of contribution to variations in the volume of imports from expressions such as 寄与 (contribution) and 輸出 (exports)
- Skill 2
- Learn expressions such as 米国 (U.S.A.) and 中国 (China)
- Skill 3
- Learn expressions such as 食料品 (foodstuffs) and 原料品 (raw materials)
- Skill 4
- Learn expressions such as 化学製品 (chemical products) and 原料別製品 (manufactured products classified by raw material)
- Skill 5
- On a table showing the degree of contribution to variations in the volume of exports and imports, understand which countries, regions and items have a high degree of contribution to variations