Choose the salary unit and special conditions on job search sites for part-time jobs.
To be able to choose from options the salary unit and special conditions, by looking at job search sites for part-time jobs.
You are searching for employment information using a job search site for part-time jobs. Choose things such as the salary unit and special conditions from the options.
- Skill 1
- Choose the salary unit from expressions such as 時給 (hourly wage) and 日給 (daily wage)
- Skill 2
- Choose special conditions from expressions such as 未経験者 (people with no prior experience) and 学生 (students)
- Skill 3
- Choose special conditions from expressions such as 高収入 (high income) and 交通費支給 (transportation expenses paid)
- Skill 4
- Choose the salary level and special conditions on job search sites for part-time jobs