【Skill 9】Understand whether a 仮説 (hypothesis) is supported from expressions such as 支持 (support), ない (is not) and なかった (did not/was not)

Whether or not the hypothesis is supported is written in the Results and Discussion sections. Understand whether the hypothesis is supported from the following expressions. 支持 (support) follows 仮説 (hypothesis), and if neither ない (is/does not) nor なかった (was/did not) follows 支持 (support), the hypothesis is supported.

■ 仮説1を支持している (support(s) hypothesis 1)
■ 仮説1は支持されている (hypothesis 1 is supported)

■ 仮説1を支持していなかった (did not support hypothesis 1)
■ 仮説1は支持されていない (hypothesis 1 is not supported)

仮説 may also be written as H (the first letter of the English word "Hypothesis"), as follows.

■ H1は支持された (hypothesis 1 is supported)
■ H1は支持されなかった (hypothesis 1 is not supported)

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