【Skill 2】Understand the items shown in a graph from expressions such as 輸出 (exports) and 輸入 (imports)

Understand the items shown in a graph shows from the following expressions in the legend.

■ 輸出 (exports)
■ 輸入 (imports)

■ 収支 (balance)

■ 第一次所得 (primary income [income from companies that have expanded overseas, investment income, etc.])
■ 第二次所得 (secondary income [contributions to developmental assistance and international organizations, etc.])
■ サービス(services [travel and transport, etc.])

■ 前年差 (year-on-year difference)

The legend appears at the top or the bottom of the graph. In the following graph, the legend appears at the bottom of the graph.

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