【Skill 1】Understand whether or not the results were significant from expressions such as 有意 (significant) and 正 (positive)

Understand whether or not the results were significant from the following expressions. If an expression such as ない (not), なかった (not) or なく (not) appears after 有意 ([statistically] significant), the results are not significant. If an expression such as ない (not), なかった (not) or なく (not) does not appear after 有意 ([statistically] significant), the results are significant.

■ リアリティ・ショックは若年就業者の就業態度に有意な影響があることが分かった。 (It was learned that reality shock has a significant impact on the attitude of young workers towards their jobs.)

■ ワーク・ライフ・バランス満足度は職場でのストレスに有意な影響をもたらしていない。 (The degree of satisfaction with work-life balance does not have a significant impact on stress in the workplace.)

If 正 (positive) or プラス (plus) appears before or after 有意 (significant) as below, it shows that “positively” significant research results were obtained. If 負 (negative) or マイナス (minus) appears before or after 有意 (significant), it shows that “negatively” significant research results were obtained.

■ 職場環境はワーク・ライフ・バランス満足度にの有意な影響を与えている。 (The workplace environment has a positively significant impact on the degree of satisfaction with work-life balance.)

■ 長時間労働は職場コミットメントに有意なの効果がある。 (Long working hours have a significantly negative effect on workplace commitment.)

Furthermore, if が、 (, but) appears between 2 instances of 有意 (significant), it shows that different results were obtained before and after the が、.

■担当職務の自由度は、個人生活の充実に対する寛容度に有意な効果があったが、家庭生活の充実に対する寛容度に対して有意とはならなかった。 (The degree of freedom in the duties for which one is responsible had a significant effect on tolerance of a full personal life, but the effect on the tolerance of a full family life was not significant.)

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