【Skill 4】Understand whether a contribution is positive or negative

These expressions which follow items show that an item from a country or region made a positive contribution to the volume of exports or imports.

■ 19.1%
■ +19.1%

These expressions which follow items show that an item from a country or region made a negative contribution to the volume of exports or imports.

■ -1.47%
■ 1.47% (a 1.47% reduction)

Also, if a number showing the degree of contribution does not appear, 高 (high) or 大 (large) following による寄与 (the contribution by) or の寄与 (the contribution of) indicate positive contributions.

■ 米国向け輸出による寄与が圧倒的にい。 (The contribution by exports to the U.S.A. is extremely high.)
Source: Website of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
■ 中東からの液化天然ガス輸入額増の寄与きい (The contribution of liquefied natural gas imports from the Middle East is large.)
Source: Website of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry

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