【Skill 2】Understand how much the early booking discount is and how many days in advance you must book to get it from expressions such as 円割引 (yen discount) and 日前まで (days in advance)

Understand how much the early booking discount is and how many days in advance you must book to get it from the following expressions. The numbers appearing before 円割引 (yen discount) and 円引 ( yen discount) show how much the discount is.

■ 2000円割引 (2000 yen discount)
■ 2000円引 (2000 yen discount)

The number appearing before the expression 日前まで (days in advance) shows how many days in advance you must book to get the discount.

■ 60日前まで (60 days in advance)

The sentence in the brochure below contains both 1000円割引 (1000 yen discount) and 45 前まで (45 days in advance), so if you book 45 days in advance you will get a 1000 yen discount.

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