【Skill 1】Find expressions such as 円割引 (yen discount) and 日前まで (days in advance)

Travel companies sometimes offer early booking discounts on the prices of their tours. To understand whether or not an early booking discount is offered, find the following expressions.

■ 2000円割引 (2000 yen discount)
■ 2000円引 (2000 yen discount)

If the following expression appears near the amount of the discount, there is an early booking discount. It says that there will be a discount if you book a certain number of days before departure.

■ 60日前まで (60 days in advance)

The sentence in the brochure below contains both 10,000円割引 (10,000 yen discount) and 90日前まで (90 days in advance) , so if you book 90 days in advance you will get a 10,000 yen discount.

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