【Skill 3】Understand that things such as fragrances and dyes are not used from the expressions such as 香料ゼロ (zero fragrances) and 無着色 (no dyes)

Understand that things such as fragrances and dyes are not used from the following expressions. The thing which is not used is indicated before the expressions such as フリー (free) and ゼロ (zero). 合成 (synthetic) means that it is not a natural ingredient.

■ 香料ゼロ (zero fragrances)
■ 着色料ゼロ (zero dyes)

■ 合成香料フリー (synthetic fragrance free)
■ 合成着色料フリー (synthetic dye free)

Regardless of whether they are synthetic or natural, when fragrances or dyes are not used, it will be indicated in the following way. 無 means no.

■ 香料 (no fragrances)
■ 着色 (no dyes)

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