【Skill 1】Understand that additives are not used from the expressions such as フリー (free) and 無添加 (no added)

Understand that additives such as synthetic dyes and preservatives are not used from the following expressions. The additive which is not used is indicated before the expressions such as フリー (free) and 無添加 (no added).

■ アルコールフリー (alcohol free)
■ アルコール無添加 (no added alcohol)
■ アルコール不使用 (alcohol not used)
■ アルコールゼロ (zero alcohol)

As seen below, sometimes just the expression 無添加 (no additives) will be written in large letters to draw attention to the fact that additives are not used. Which additives in specific are not used is written in a different location.

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