【Skill 2】Understand when to present a coupon from 予約時 (when making a reservation) and 入店時 (when entering the restaurant)

Understand when you must present a coupon when making a reservation from the following expression. There are several methods for presenting coupons, such as mentioning them when calling to make a reservation or selecting the option to use them when making an online reservation.

■ 予約時(when making a reservation)

Understand when you must present a coupon at the restaurant from the following expressions.

■ 入店時(when entering the restaurant)
■ 来店時(when arriving at the restaurant)

If you mentioned the coupon when making a reservation, you may need to show it to the staff at the restaurant.

■ 予約時入店時(when making a reservation and when entering the restaurant)
■ 予約時入店時(when making a reservation and when entering the restaurant)

Because the coupon below reads 予約時&入店時 (when making a reservation and when entering the restaurant), you must mention it when making a reservation and show it to the staff at the restaurant.

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