【Skill 3】Understand the type of promotional offer from 1名様無料 (free for one customer) and 1時間延長 (one-hour extension)
Understand when the price for one customer in a group is free from the following expressions.
■ 1名様無料 (free for one customer)
■ 1名分無料 (free for one customer)
Understand when an all-you-can-drink time is extended for free from the following expressions. If the expression 飲み放題 (all-you-can-drink) appears before a time and 延長 (extension), that time indicates the length of the extension.
■ 飲み放題 (all-you-can-drink)
■ 1時間延長 (one-hour extension)
■ 30分延長 (thirty-minute extension)
If に appears between a time and 延長 (extension), the time isn’t the length of the extension. It indicates the total length of the all-you-can-drink service after the extension is applied.
■ 2時間に延長 (extended to two hours)
■ 3Hに延長 (extended to three hours])
Because 30分延長 (thirty-minute extension) is written after 飲み放題 (all-you-can-drink) on the coupon below, you can receive an all-you-can-drink time extension of thirty minutes for free.