【Skill 5】Understand by what method the data was gathered from expressions such as 郵送 (mail) and ウェブサイト (website)
Understand by what method the data was collected from the following expressions.
■ アンケート用紙を郵送した (a questionnaire form was mailed)
■ 質問票を送付した (a questionnaire was sent)
■ 担当者を通じて配布された(it was distributed by the manager)
■ 調査はウェブサイトで実施された (the survey was conducted on the website)
■ 調査は社内LAN経由で行われた (the survey was conducted via the company's internal LAN)
■ 電子メールで質問紙を送付した (the questionnaire was sent by email)
■ Web調査を実施した(a web survey was conducted)