【Skill 1】Understand whether a table shows the degree of contribution to variations in the volume of exports or the degree of contribution to variations in the volume of imports from expressions such as 寄与 (contribution) and 輸出 (exports)

Understand whether a table shows the degree of contribution from the following expression in its title.

■ 寄与 (contribution)

Understand whether a table shows the degree of contribution to variations in the volume of exports or the degree of contribution to variations in the volume of imports from the following expressions. If 輸出 (exports) appears before 寄与 (contribution), the table shows the degree of contribution to variations in the volume of exports. If 輸入 (imports) appears before 寄与 (contribution), the table shows the degree of contribution to variations in the volume of imports.

■ 貿易相手国・地域の輸出増減寄与度 (Degree of contribution of trading partner countries/regions to variations in exports)
■ 貿易相手国・地域の輸入増減寄与度 (Degree of contribution of trading partner countries/regions to variations in imports)
In the title below, 寄与 (contribution) appears, and 輸出 (exports) appears before 寄与 (contribution), so the table shows the degree of contribution to variations in the volume of exports.

A table of the degree of contribution shows the degree of contribution for each country and region as a number (%) sorted by item. The countries and regions appear on the left side of the table below, and the items appear in the top row.

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