【Skill 7】Understand the necessary condition when there are conditions expressed by ば(if) and ても(even if).

When there are conditions expressed by ば(if), たら(provided) and 場合(in the case), and conditions expressed by ても(even if) and でも(whether), listen for the conditions expressed by ば(if), たら(provided), and 場合(in the case). The conditions expressed by ば(if), たら(provided) and 場合(in the case) are the necessary conditions.

In the following audio, the necessary condition is 論文に名前があがっている(their name is mentioned), which is stated before ば(if). It is not 実際には論文を書いていない(they did not actually write the paper), which is stated before ても(even if).

■ 実際には論文を書いていなくても、そこに名前があがっていれば、その人を著作者とみなします。(Even if they did not actually write the paper, if their name is mentioned, they are considered the author.)

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