【Skill 4】Understand the condition and what is established when that condition is met by listening to the following expressions ば(if) and ても(even if)

When the condition mentioned before the following expressions is met, what is said after the following expressions will be established. Understand the condition and what is established when that condition is met by listening to the following expressions.

■ ば(if)
■ たら(provided)
■ 場合(in the case)

■ ても(even if)
■ でも(whether)

In the following audio, it is stated that when the condition 作った人の個性が出ている(creator's originality is expressed) stated before ば(if), is met, 図表も著作物になる(charts and diagrams also become copyrighted works), stated after ば(if) is established.

■ 作った人の個性が出ていれば、図表も著作物になります。(If the creator's originality is expressed, charts and diagrams also become copyrighted works.)

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