【Skill 5】Understand that another condition is included by listening to the following expressions ても(even if) and でも(whether)

When ても(even if) or でも(whether) is used, another condition is included in addition to the condition stated before ても(even if) or でも(whether). On the other hand, when ば(if), たら(provided) or 場合(in the case) is used, only the condition stated before ば(if) or たら(provided) is included, and no other conditions are included. Understand that there is another condition included by listening to ても(even if) or でも(whether).

In the following audio, another condition is included in addition to コピーライトのマークを表示しない(the copyright mark is not displayed) stated before ても(even if).

■ コピーライトのマークを表示しなくても、著作権が保証されます。(Even if the copyright mark is not displayed, the copyright is guaranteed.)

On the other hand, in the following audio, no other conditions are included besides コピーライトのマークを表示する(the copyright mark is displayed) stated before たら(provided).

■ コピーライトのマークを表示したら、著作権が保証されます。(Copyright is guaranteed, provided the copyright mark is displayed.)

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