【Skill 6】Understand that you are being asked about separate fee when you bring in belts and clothes with hoods from the expressions that indicate separate fees
If there are accessories such as removable belts and hoods, you will be charged separately from the clothes.
Understand that a separate fee will be charged from the following expressions.
■ [Beh-tsu-nee-ryoh-kee-n-gah_kah-kah-ree-mah-su-gah.] (You will be charged separately.)
■ [Beh-tsu-ryoh-kee-n-nee-nah-ree-mah-su-gah.] (There will be a separate fee.)
■ [Beh-tsu-ah-tsu-kah-ee-nee_nah-ree-mah-ss.] (It will be treated separately.)