【Skill 5】Understand the degree of the contributions of the countries, regions and items that contributed to variations in the volume of exports and the volume of imports

Put these 4 skills together to understand the degree of the contributions of the countries, regions and items that contributed to variations in the volume of exports and the volume of imports.

Skill 1: Find expressions such as 輸出に関しては (regarding exports) and 輸入については (regarding imports)
Skill 2: Understand the trading partner countries/regions and items that contributed to variations in the volume of exports from expressions such as 向け (to) and 輸送用機器 (transportation equipment)
Skill 3: Understand the trading partner countries/regions and items that contributed to variations in the volume of imports from expressions such as からの (from) and 鉱物性燃料 (mineral fuels)
Skill 4: Understand whether a contribution is positive or negative

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