【Skill 1】Find expressions such as 本 (this)+では and 本 (this)+目的 (purpose)

In order to understand the purpose of the research, find expressions such as 本 (this)+では and 本 (this)+目的 (purpose).

The purpose of the research appears after expressions such as 本研究の目的は (the purpose of this research) and 本研究では (in this research).

■ 研究の目的は (the purpose of this research)
■ 稿の目的は (the purpose of this paper)
■ 研究では (in this research)
■ 稿では (in this paper)

In the following example, the purpose of the research may sometimes appear between expressions such as 本研究では (in this research) or 本稿では (in this paper) and 目的 (purpose).

■ 研究では、人的資源管理が組織パフォーマンスにどのような影響があるかを探ることを目的とする

The purpose of the research often appears in either the first or last paragraph of the first section.

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