【Skill 3】Understand how to get stamps from expressions such as 1 ドリンク1杯 (1 drink) and ラーメン1杯 (1 bowl of ramen)

Understand how to get stamps from the following expressions. You will receive a stamp for purchasing products such as those mentioned before ご注文につき (for each order), お買い上げごとに (for each purchase) or お買い上げ毎に (for each purchase).

Coffee shop, restaurant
■ ドリンク1杯 (1 drink)
■ 1ドリンク (1 drink)
■ ランチメニュー1つ (1 lunch menu item)

Ramen shop
■ ラーメン1杯 (1 bowl of ramen)
■ フードメニュー (food menu item)

The stamp card below is from a restaurant. Before ご注文につき (for each order) it says ドリンク1杯 (1 drink), so you will receive 1 stamp when you order 1 drink.

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