【Skill 5】Learn expressions such as 職場の上司-部下間交換関係 (superior/subordinate exchange relationship in the workplace) and 変革型リーダーシップ (revolutionary leadership)

In order to understand that there is a correlation between one thing and another, and what mediates between them, learn the following expressions.

■職場の上司-部下間交換関係 (superior/subordinate exchange relationship in the workplace)
■職場の同僚間交換関係 (coworker exchange relationship in the workplace)
■従業員の組織満足 (employees' organizational satisfaction)

■変革型リーダーシップ (revolutionary leadership)
■フォロワーの内発的動機づけ (followers' endogenous motivation)
■フォロワーの創造性 (followers' creativity)

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